Monday 27 February 2012


Colour Scheme

We chose to challenge the conventions of horror and stay away from the colour red, as our horror trailer was more about technology and riots rather then murders.We chose the colour Green as it reltes to technology slightly more then any other colour, it gives it that technical feel.

Audience Feedback

Our Horror Trailer

This is the final edit of our trailer we have presented to our audience.

Thursday 23 February 2012


At a bus stop

Posters whilst driving

Trailer Feedback

After uploading our trailer on youtube, we got some positive comments by a few people:

YouTube also allowed us to see where
about our traile
r was being viewed the most:

One of the negative reviews we have been hearing from almost everyone is they do not know who is coming, this could be negative as our audience are confused, but I believe it could also be seen as a positive remark as trailers are not suppose to tell you what happens in the film, they are there as a teaser to make you want to watch the film to understand what is going on. Our trailer does just that, although our audience are slightly confused they are still intrigued and want to know who is coming as that is one of the first questions they ask after watching our trailer. I was very pleased with the feedback and expected this result.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Throughout this experience I have learnt how to use new programmes and improved my skills in certain programmes. I have used many different new technologies and many different programmes. at the start I was very hesitant to use many of these programmes but as time went on I was able to adjust to them and did quite enjoy it at the end.