Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Male Gaze

'..film has been called an instrument of the make gaze, producing representations of women, the good life, and sexual fantasy from a males point of view..' -1998 Jonathan Schroeder
Laura Mulvey is a British Feminist Theorist, she wrote a very influential essay, 'Visual Plessure and Narrative Cinema' -1975
- Women are represented as sexual spectacle and objects of pleasure for the characters and audience
- Men have this gaze to avoid being ‘cast rated’
- Men fetishise women imbuing them with an overvalued and unrealistic status – ‘fetishistic scopophilia’
- The gaze is constructed through the camera man and production team establishing and framing a shot; by the ‘look’ within the film of male characters objectifying female ones; the spectators gaze is thereby constructed through these mechanisms.

Anne Doane-1982
‘..male bodies are only on display in certain conditions, they are always in active poses as if they can walk away from the women gaze..’
Van Zoonen-1994
‘..men look at women, women watch themselves being looked at..’

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