Tuesday 29 November 2011

Our Narrative Story Line

In a modern society we as humans are faced with many pressures. Religion, fashion and the constant pressure of adapting to the world progressing around us. With a growing population, we are at higher risk of spreading contagious diseases and infections. The latest outbreak to hit London is yet to be pin pointed, side effects causing youths to become violent and lose all sense of sanity. As the bridge between generations is growing, those older than 26/28 fail to see the true effects of this outbreak and are completely unaware of their behaviour. BEWARE! They have been known to carry weapons and you will not see the difference in character.
In the local Croydon area, there have been many upsets in the past. However, it is currently in a state of what they know to be equilibrium. The rise in crimes is becoming even more noticeable. Danni lives in Norbury, South London. Her mum is a single parent, and Danni lives with her alone in a small council flat on the edge of an estate. Recent events within have caused major up raw within communities and several people have been killed. The source of what has caused these events in unclear, but what Danni does know is that this extreme violence is heading towards where she lives.
After seeing such events on the news, the government has looked further into the case and have found that a violent virus has out broken and can only affect the bodies of those that are not fully matured. The infection has found to be contracted through the use of technology and appears to be a whole new type of technology bug which can penetrate the human body through broadcasts.
As this wave of violence gets closer, we start to see the effects in Danni herself. Danni owns a blackberry and is completely obsessed with it like most teenagers her age.
What she does not know is that a broadcast through the BBM system is causing this violence to escalate through a cross bred technological/human virus; in turn effecting both technology and the human behaviour.
We see a shot of Danni in her room looking out of the window. Her phone starts to vibrate violently as she has receives the broadcast. The sender appears unknown and Danni is unaware of the effect given by opening the broadcast.
As she fights against the virus which is trying to take over her, she encounters many youths effected who want her to become sucked in.
She is constantly on the run from people affected by the virus and people living around her are becoming infected. Without thinking about it she allows herself to be violent against those infected making herself just as bad as they are.
She encounters an affected teenage girl. As she tries to attack her, she hits one of them down to the ground and runs away. The shot focuses on the attackers face on the floor with Danni running away in the background (the back of the shot is unfocused so is blurred).Danni and her mum have an argument leading to Danni pushing her up against the wall in a violent outburst. Once she realises how she is behaving she backs away, she then runs and locks herself in the bathroom. Here she runs water and splashes it on her face to calm herself down. As she looks up from the water basin she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She is visibly paler and has rather dark circles around her eyes. The coloured part of her eyes has become darker. The shot ends and she looks deeper into her newly darkened eyes and the camera focuses in on the darkness.

Appropriate Titles

We were told to think of appropriate names for our Horror Narrative, We had loads of ideas but couldn't make them sound Horror related, we have finally decided to name our Trailer 'Broadcast of the Dammned', but we are still thinking of possible names:

Coming up with ideas

We were put into our groups, and were told to come up with ideas for what we wanted our horror narrative to be about, the ideas came from the research we were told to conduct. These are some of the ideas we came up with:

Friday 18 November 2011


Intertextuality: The way, in which film texts refer to and relate with other texts, assuming that the audience will recognise those suggestions.
Parody: Mocking in a critical and playful way
Post-feminism: a position that suggests that women should take respect and equality for granted after the success of the 1960s and 1970s feminist struggles, and should enjoy the ironic and playful pleasures associated with traditional ‘femininity’.
Postmodernism: the social, political and cultural attitudes of production and consumption of film products in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The term carries several meanings but is usually associated with the self-reflexivity of contemporary culture and media.
Self-reflective: texts which display an awareness of their own artificial status as texts.
Self-referential: a text that makes a reference back to itself, usually in a self-ionising and playful way.
Pastiche: texts which are made up from different sources, favouring practises of copying or simulation and rejection authenticity. The term is often used negatively for texts that do not display originality; an approach that has, however, been revised by many theorists.

Thursday 10 November 2011


Definition: In the broadest sense of the world, the definition of research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the development of knowledge. 

Effects of Audience Theories

Cultivation Theory:- Concerned with the effects of television programming on the attitudes and behaviour of the american public findings suggest that those that watch more television perceived the real world as it is portrayed on the television (the mean world syndrome).

Copy Cat Theory:- Relates to how something is publicised in the media and findings suggest that the public naturally copy what they see to gain the quantiles etc of those that appear on screen. such as copy cat murders etc.                                                                                           

Hypodermic Syringe:- Audience passively receive information transmitted via a media text without any attempt on their part to process or challenge the data.

Desensitisation:- The over expose to varying behaviours on screen makes the audience immune to these and thus harder to chock. As a result the effects are generally move widely spread.