Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Other Theories

Relation to other Theories

Throughout our horror, especially in the bedroom and bathroom scenes with Danni, we feature a large number of voyeuristic scenes and through these scenes we aim to include some instances of male gaze. However when doing this we aim to subvert the obvious 'beautiful' and sexual connotations of the male gaze and instead portraying Danni to be awkward, and not yet developed making the audience feel bad and uncomfortable for watching.

In many ways we have aimed to follow Todorovs basic narrative theory

-State of equilibrium

-Disrupted by an agent

-Leads to a process of final resolution

-Return to a new equilibrium

We have followed Todorovs conventions of a narrative however we have included that the initial stage is a false sense of equilibrium, where the 'elders' believe that everything is fine, sitting in a false sense of security but the youths know that something is developing.

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